Defense Against the Cold

Katie getting IV therapy at Sasha's of Saratoga

🥶Brrrrr… it’s getting cold out there, it must be winter in the atmosphere, I say Brrrrr, it’s getting cold out there, it must be winter in the atmosphere, lol 🥶 (Drop the name of the movie below and tag a friend for a free B12 shot)!

🥶If you are feeling in need of a little extra support this fall and winter, why not try our Immune Booster IV vitamin infusion?

🥶But seriously, as the temperature drops, so can our immunity defense. ⁠Be like our friend, Katie, be proactive with your health this fall and throughout the winter.

#selfcare #vitamininfusiontherapy #ivhydration #wellness #downtownsaratoga #VeteranOwned #newyorkliving #supportlocal #healthiswealth #upstateny☃️